Holy Saturday // Matthew 27:62-66

I want to share a slightly longer passage than usual. This is from the Gospel of Matthew which is the only biblical reference to the day between Jesus’s death and Resurrection: “The next day, the one after Preparation Day, the chief priests and the Pharisees went to Pilate. ‘Sir,’ they said, ‘we remember that while he was still alive that deceiver said, ‘After three days I will rise again.’ So give the order for the tomb to be made secure until the third day. Otherwise, his disciples may come and steal the body and tell the people that he has been raised from the dead. This last deception will be worse than the first. ‘Take a guard,’ Pilate answered. ‘Go, make the tomb as secure as you know how.So they went and made the tomb secure by putting a seal on the stone and posting the guard.”

Remember that Jesus suffered the most brutal form of execution. He was dead and the Pharisees were glad He was gone. Still they felt the slimmest shred of doubt, so they wanted to ensure the tomb was secure. Now remember, Rome was a superpower in that time. They felt as secure as humanly possible with the highly trained and equipped Roman soldiers standing guard. A watch typically consisted of four soldiers switching out every four hours. Soldiers on watch would have been highly motivated because the penalty for allowing a prisoner to escape was death. Needless to say the greatest military power on earth was no match for the resurrecting power of God. The One the Pharisees thought to be a deceiver turned out to be the living truth.

The same power that raised that Jesus from the dead is available to you when you believe that He lives! Nothing can hold you down because God’s love is stronger. So, on this Holy Saturday, go to God. Accept His offer of a saving relationship. Confess your sin and find the new life He longs to give through the true, heavenly superpower of God’s love.

Photo Credit: linksintulsa.org