Holding or Held? // Matthew 19:26
All things are possible with God, right? Amen! Today’s verse comes in the context of Jesus’ encounter with the Rich Young Ruler. This is the story of Jesus telling the young man to sell all of his possessions, give the money to the poor, and follow Him. This was a hard teaching and the young man left despondent. Is this what Jesus wants us all to do? No, at least maybe not quite so specifically. Ultimately, Jesus wants us to allow Him to show us the things that get between our relationship with the Lord. He wants us to acknowledge our idolatry, surrender it to Him, and learn to live freely and lightly. The bottom line is the things we think we hold almost definitely have a hold on us. This doesn’t mean we aren’t allowed to enjoy life, but we must keep everything in the proper perspective. So, do you know what it is you don’t think you could stand to part with? Are the things you hold actually holding you? Ask Jesus for help and then follow His lead!