Held Together // Colossians 1:17
My heart is heavy. There, I said it. I think my face has been communicating it more clearly than my mouth, but it’s true. War. Sickness. Political division. Inflation. Even the Church can’t seem to agree on BIG things. It’s disconcerting at best. The events in the world are causing me to feel like things are falling apart. What in the world are we to do? Turn to the One in Whom all things hold together: Jesus. The Apostle Paul referenced in Colossians 1 the things that can leave us feeling shaken; the things we see and those we can’t; the rulers of this world and those with power in the spiritual realm; the things we would consider good and bad; life and death, too. All of it. So that’s where I’m turning today. I am taking all of the pieces I see as broken, misplaced, misunderstood, distorted, et al to Jesus and trust Him with everything that is out of my grasp. And you know what? That’s practically everything. But, Jesus existed before everything and lords over this world in all its varying pieces still…including my fragile heart. The same is true for you. Let’s share this Good News with the world so it might truly be the hope that does not disappoint.