Happy Groundhog Day // Ecclesiastes 1:9 & Revelation 21:5
Happy Groundhog Day. I always find it comical that we look to a groundhog to predict the weather. Stats show Punxsutawney Phil gets it right 40% of the time, which probably stacks up pretty well with the more educated meteorologists on TV, but I digress. Today took on a new meaning in 1993 with the Bill Murray movie where his character, Phil, has to repeat each day. I chuckled because I’ve had a few days recently where I wish I could push a reset button and restart. It dawned on me that even if I could push that do-over button, I’d have to do it all over again. No dice. This brings to mind Ecclesiastes 1:9 which states, “What has been will be again, what has been done will be done again; there is nothing new under the sun.”
That has a bit of a fatalist vibe, doesn’t it? Thank GOD that isn’t — in the words of Paul Harvey — “the rest of the story.” Revelation 21:5 records Jesus say, “Behold, I make all things new!” Don’t look at this as the Bible contradicting itself, but completing GOD’s longstanding promise to redeem and restore. Whereas Ecclesiastes states that there isn’t anything new under the sun, GOD’s plan is to make everything new under the SON…BIG DIFFERENCE! Thank you, Jesus!
Have you experienced some Groundhog Day moments recently? Do you wish you could get a do-over, but then feel overwhelmed about what that would entail? If so, I want to encourage you to take a moment today and move from fatalism to faith. Trust in the One who came and works within us still. Jesus said His words are trustworthy and true, so let’s live into them and see what miracles He does for and through us. How ‘bout it? Let’s gooo!