God’s Way is Correct whether You Like it or Not // Psalm 18:30

“Your way is perfect, Lord, and your word is correct. You are a shield for those who run to you for help.” (Psalm 18:30, CEV)

I am afraid we are at a point where there are forces at work trying to convince us that God’s ways are wrong. I have felt for some time that we have been in a war on reality and this has permeated practically every aspect of life. There are even some encouraging removing some inconvenient passages of Scripture because they are not as “enlightened” as we appear to be. Friends, this is dangerous. Today’s verse reminds us that God’s way is perfect, His words are correct, and His will is a shield against the treacherous temptations of our sinful nature. And for faith leaders to participate in this charade? Unthinkable. The world needs more truth, not less. 2 Timothy 4:3 cautions, “The time is coming when people won’t listen to good teaching. Instead, they will look for teachers who will please them by telling them only what they are itching to hear.” This is not the only time in history when this has happened, but it’s our time to manage through it. So may we always remember that God’s way is perfect and His words are correct…even the inconvenient ones. Please don’t be so willing to throw out truth and only follow those who say what you want to hear. God’s plan is to transform us all so we are more like Jesus, the One who said Himself that He is the way, the truth, and the life…the only One by whom we can get to God the Father.