God’s Pride and Joy // Hebrews 12:2
What is your focus? Our verse for the day encourages us to “fix our eyes on Jesus.” Regardless of how you read the word, fix, the results should be the same. Fix your eyes in terms of keeping them on Jesus. If your gaze has been broken due to your sinful decisions — other those of others — you can repair your vision and behold Jesus. Hebrews 12:2 teaches this is important because Jesus is the focal point of our journey from start to finish. What I love about this verse is it gives us an inkling as to where Jesus’ focus was while He journeyed to the cross. So what do you think Jesus kept before Him? The verse says it was joy, so what does that mean? I think the joy set before Jesus was YOU!!! He endured the torture of the cross because it was more bearable than the thought of an eternity without you in it. Do you believe that Jesus is God’s one and only Son who died and was resurrected from the grave? Will you accept God’s offer of forgiveness? To whom can you confess your faith in Christ? Do it, because you are God’s pride and joy and the reason He did what He did so you can be saved.