God’s Masterpiece // Ephesians 2:10
I love today’s verse from Ephesians 2:10 in the New Living Translation, “For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago.” That word, masterpiece, carries some significant connotations, doesn’t it? It makes me think about works of art like the Mona Lisa, Beethoven’s 5th Symphony, and The Wizard of Oz. Would you ever put yourself in such a category? I know I wouldn’t. I wish I was taller, had straight pinkies, and smoother hair. I look at myself and wonder what could have been if I looked like Brad Pitt, could act like Tom Hanks, sing like Paul McCartney, play guitar like Jimi Hendrix, hit a baseball like Babe Ruth, or preach like Billy Graham. Here’s the thing though, I was not created by God to do things that these other icons can do; no, I was created to do the things that only I can do. And the same is true for you, my friend. You might look at yourself and wish you were different but be humbled in the knowledge that God looked at the world and decided it needed you specifically for the time and space you occupy. You are a masterpiece, designed to change the world thanks to the re-creating power of Jesus that makes us the new creation to reflect what we always should have been. So, even though you still might be vertically challenged, have crooked pinkies or coarse hair, after accepting Jesus, know God has a plan and a purpose for your life that only you can fulfill. This is precisely why you are God’s masterpiece, created anew to do the good works God planned long ago and intended all along.