God’s Faithful Love // Lamentations 3:22

Have you spent any time reading Lamentations? It was written by the Prophet Jeremiah as an expression of grief over the destruction of Jerusalem. I think that is important to consider when we read today’s verse: “The faithful love of the Lord never fails.” That might strike some as odd since people tend to get mad at God when things don’t go their way. Jeremiah didn’t hide his dissatisfaction with what happened but managed to keep it in perspective with God’s faithful and amazing love. So, let that be a model for you if you find yourself struggling today. Trust in the love of God. Know He never fails even if life feels like it’s crumbling around you. I think it’s important to read on just a little bit further to see what Jeremiah wrote in what we know as verse 24: “I say to myself, ‘The Lord is my portion; therefore I will wait for him.’” Do you need to remind yourself like Jeremiah that God never fails and promises to be your portion? If so, take a moment to do so and give thanks for how God renews His compassions for us every single morning to help us carry on when we feel like quitting.