God’s Clarity and Courage // Psalm 34:14

Psalm 34:14, NIV | Turn from evil and do good; seek peaceĀ and pursue it.

I love the framework for living we see in today’s verse. King David, who wrote Psalm 34, mentioned how important it is to turn away from evil and lean into good. He also encouraged us to not just seek peace, but also pursue it. This verse is filled with action words as we think about moving away from evil and pursuing peace. I think it’s important to recall how peace isn’t the absence of conflict, but stability amidst it. Just as world history shows that appeasement can lead to bigger conflicts, we recall Jesus’ words that peacemakers are blessed. Peacemakers are the ones who enter into tough places to sort out what is evil and good so peace can be identified and then pursued. This requires clarity and courage…virtues the Lord is readily able and willing to dispense to those who ask. So, as we seek peace in life, may we take heart and know there are times we must wade into conflict to help turn away from evil and do good; after all, ignoring evil and hoping it will just go away plays into its demonic gameplan. Don’t fall for it. Rather, turn to God, seek His help, trust His ways, and pursue the peace only He can give!