God Loves You No Matter What // Psalm 147:5

This week the kids at MONUMENTAL VBS are learning to celebrate the greatness of God. The story of Joseph from Genesis provides the backdrop. The core memory verse for the week is from Psalm 147:5, “How great is our Lord! His power is absolute!” And thank the Lord that it is!

Today’s Bible point is, “God loves you no matter what.” The story from Scripture is from Genesis 37 and how Joseph ran into troubles with his brothers. Sure, some of this was Joseph’s own doing as he flirted with bragging about God’s plan for his life, but it was a monumental plan! God was prepping Joseph to save the Israelites from an awful famine. There were many twists and turns that the future would take, but Joseph had to learn about God’s absolute power and how God loved him no matter what.

The same is true for you and me. We might be at our wits’ end or the end of our rope, but as Jesus would later say, less of us means more of God. So as we kick off this new week, I pray you have a MONUMENTAL experience of God’s amazing love for you no matter what.