God is Stronger than Anything // Romans 5:7-8
We are having a fantastic week at MONUMENTAL VBS! The children are learning about how God loves you no matter what and that God is in charge — He is our AWESOME GOD whose power is absolute! (Psalm 147:5).
Today we are deviating a bit from Joseph’s story to explore the death and resurrection of Jesus. Jesus came to show us that the heartbeat of heaven beats for you and me. Jesus achieved salvation for everyone by dying for our sins and fulfilling God’s wrath. I love how Romans 5:7-8 frames what God did for us: “Very rarely will anyone die for a righteous person, though for a good person someone might possibly dare to die. But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.”
God proved that He is stronger than anything by overcoming death. Jesus experienced a brutal, torturous execution then came back to life. There was no room for doubt that Jesus died. He appeared to more than 500 people between His resurrection and ascension back to heaven. Accounts of those encounters are in the Bible and extra-biblical accounts alike. But so much more than words on a page, the power God has to live within us now and forever!
If you are going through the doldrums due to enslavement and imprisonment, know there is deliverance in Jesus. God is stronger than anything and able to deliver you from whatever you face. Trust our AWESOME GOD!