God is Faithful // 2 Thessalonians 3:3
I have a simple thought for you on this Saturday that is at the heart of today’s verse. Note that God is the One who protects us from the evil one; i.e., the devil. The enemy deceives and deploys people to try and distort good in the world. One tactic that is especially nefarious is how Satan doesn’t just attack good in the world, but the people who do the good. I see this in the vocational ministry for sure as a recent Gallup survey indicated trust in clergy is at an all-time low (37%) due to ubiquitous and highly publicized moral failures. Essentially, if the devil cannot discredit God, he will attack those who point people to Him. The bottom line is people will fail, but God is faithful. Trust the Lord and know His promises to protect us is solid. I think it’s important to bear in mind that this protection is eternal in nature. There is still evil in the world, but we have eternal protection in Jesus. Trust that. Trust Him. He is faithful!