From the Problem to the Problem Solver // Mark 9:23
Today’s verse comes from a larger section that helped change my life in respect to faith. A father full of despair brought his demon-possessed son to Jesus. I imagine his family tried everything they could to help their son, but nothing worked. He brought the boy to Jesus and asked for help if Jesus was able. Jesus’ response was strong as He said that “Everything is possible for one who believes.” The father then replied, “I do believe! Help me in my unbelief” (v.24).
Have you ever responded like that? It feels like a lack of faith, doesn’t it? Well, let me give you a morsel of good news here…even confessing a lack of belief is a statement of faith! It basically says to God I don’t know what I don’t know, but I do know that you know. You know? It shifts the focus from the problem to the Problem Solver. The boy’s family and everyone who tried to help him were at the end of their rope. When they took him to Jesus, though, they found the One who has no end.
So, if you find yourself desperate today, confess your unbelief in how God can work it out, but do not forget that He can! Shift that focus from the problem to the Problem Solver and you’ll find answers to questions you didn’t even know to ask!