From Dark to Light // Colossians 1:13

Our world is full of darkness. There are times the darkness feels more oppressive than others, but it is there. Something that strikes me is how one’s awareness of the light can make the darkness feel even more austere. Our verse for the day helps us to know that God rescued us by delivering Jesus’ followers from the dominion of darkness and into the Kingdom of Light. That Kingdom is the Lord’s, of course, where Jesus perpetually radiates the light that emanates from God’s glorious presence. The Apostle Peter knew this as one who got caught up in the devil’s dominion when he denied knowing Jesus (Luke 22:54-62). The warmth of Christ’s love brought Peter back, delivering him from the darkness and into His light. Peter wrote these words, “you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light” (1 Peter 2:9). Peter’s writing helps us know that we are called out of the dominion of darkness and into God’s wonderful light for a purpose, which is to help lead others there, too. Who do you know that needs to be led out of darkness right now? Is it you? Peter’s story reveals to us that we all can be redeemed. Jesus came to rescue us, primarily from ourselves. Accept His offer of salvation through the forgiveness of sin and join Him in His ongoing rescue mission of humanity (Luke 19:10).