Foundations // Matthew 7:24
Today’s verse comes from a section in Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount where He was talking about the different kinds of foundations upon which people build their lives (read Matthew 7:24-27). The wise man was the one who built his home on rock whereas the foolish man built his home on a foundation sand. If you think about it, sand is more plentiful, easier to work with, and a whole lot cheaper. But it will not provide any support whatsoever when the storms rage, and rage they will. Digging into the metaphor, we have to decide what kind of foundation for living we are going to choose. The culture provides an awful lot of sand. Yes, it’s easier to work with, but it shifts and provides no support. The rock might be harder to deal with up front, but it will last and provide the stability we all need to weather to storms of life that invariably come. I like how Ephesians 2:20 revisits a building metaphor and refers to Jesus as the Chief Cornerstone. The chief cornerstone is the first piece of a foundation laid at what will be the corner of a building. Every other piece of the foundation — and the entire rest of the building by virtue — is oriented around that cornerstone. If Jesus is the Chief Cornerstone of our life, and we are built on Him, then we have the foundation we need to weather any and every storm.