Forget then Forward // Isaiah 43:18-19
Welcome to the first non-holiday Monday of 2024. If you tend to get a case of the Mondays, I’m sure it’s doubly difficult today. By now most all of the Christmas decor is packed away and we are closer to December’s credit card statements than we were when we made those purchases. Hopefully last week’s venture through setting goals as opposed to resolutions proved helpful and you are well on your way to success. Regardless, when we look at days like today, we might get wrapped up with feelings about the things we left behind without fully appreciating what is in store. That’s one reason today’s verse is a good one for us to reflect upon, because God gives us the grace we need to move beyond the past to embrace a future with hope (Jeremiah 29:11). So, what former things do you need to forget? What are you dwelling on that tries to keep you from moving forward? Embrace the new things God is already at work to accomplish in, for, and through you so 2024 may be one of mercy and miracles!