For the Weary and Faint // Jeremiah 31:25

Are you weary from life? Feeling faint from constantly striving? If so, I have good news for you! God promised to refresh and satisfy in ways only He can. The context for today’s verse is God making a promise through the prophet Jeremiah to Israel during their exile and captivity. Though this verse speaks to a specific group of people in a specific situation at a specific time, the overarching promise remains the same: God longs to restore the weary and faint. That can only happen as we draw close to Him though, which is what makes worship so potent. So, as we get ready to go to the Lord’s House today, make sure you check your ego at the door. Be fully available to experience His presence. Silence your distractions. Focus on God in prayer. Seek His refreshment and satisfaction through worship…in other words, empty yourself so you can be filled by God!