For Such A Time As This // Esther 4:14

The last part of today’s verse is one that has been solid in my spirit for the last several weeks where Esther was encouraged that she was where she was “for such a time as this.” We all face times that feel bleak, black. As we looked already this week, though, there is always hope. That hope, my friends, is the fact that Jesus died so you can live! Yes, we will face difficulties in this life. There will be all kinds of threats and reasons to fear. With our faith in the Lord, though, we are given the encouragement and empowerment to persevere in spite of whatever we encounter. You ARE here for such a time as this. May your light so shine — that light of Jesus Himself — radiating faith, hope, and love to this lost and weary world. Fast forwarding from Esther to the time of Jesus crucifixion, the disciples were cowering in fear, but the time would come with the illumination of the horizon that God’s power was real and salvation available for all who turn to, and trust in, God. As awful as things were on during Jesus’ execution, the disciples would soon remember they were there for such a time as this. So, if you have not made that commitment, will you today? I pray you will, because you might just carry the message of hope someone needs to be delivered from the clutches of the evil one.