First // Matthew 6:33

Are you waiting on something before fully committing to follow Jesus? All too often people feel like they have to clean their rooms, clean their plates, or clean up their lives before going to Christ. That isn’t Jesus’ way; in fact, He says come to me and we’ll do that work together. So, if you find yourself thinking you need to do something first before turning to the Lord, take another look at our verse for the day: “But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well” (NIV). Contextually, Jesus was referring to the things we tend to put first in our lives…the things of this earth like how much we earn, where we live, what we wear, how we eat, etc. Yes, these are priorities, but Jesus demands we keep all of this in perspective since the things we worry about today pale in comparison to eternity. So, make it a point to go to God first. Don’t wait to first get your other affairs in order, because when we start with Christ, everything else has a way of falling into place.