Fearfully and Wonderfully Made
Psalm 139:13-14
Today’s verse is one that took on a whole new meaning for me when I became a daddy. The picture I used is one of the very first I took of Ethan once we got him home from Kennestone Hospital. That whole process gave me an entirely different appreciation for life, love, and how God is indeed the One who knits us together at our conception; into community as we grow; and into the new creation as we accept the Lord’s offer of salvation and become part of God’s forever family.
One memory that jumps out at me came minutes after Ethan’s delivery. The nurses got him cleaned up and placed him in my arms. I held him and spoke to him as I had for his months in utero. He looked up at me and the expression on his face could only be understood by me as recognition. I am certain he knew my voice and then was able to gaze upon my face. That is something I will NEVER forget!
You are God’s masterpiece! God planned you, designed you, made you, and placed within you what you need to grow to know Him. God’s work is wonderful, and as King David wrote in Psalm 139, your soul knows that very well.
I hope you know deep down that there is more to this life…that you are not an accident or coincidence…that God made you to be awesome…to be His!!!
Will you recognize the movement of God in your life? Will you listen for His voice? Will you feel his nudging? Will you contemplate His vastness? Will you follow His lead? You are indeed fearfully and wonderfully made and your Creator wants you to know Him as He knows you. Will you open your life to God today? If you need conversation or prayer as you consider these ideas, please comment below or send me an email.