Faith, Hope, & Love // 1 Corinthians 13:13

Few verses form my thinking like today’s. The combination of faith, hope, and love are common in Paul’s writings. Take note that isn’t just to be a coffee cup verse or something that fit well on a bumper sticker; no, it is to be a way of life. Breaking down these concepts, faith is believing God’s message; hope is the attitude that God wins in the end; and love is what motivates us for action.

I talk a lot about making sure your belief and behavior is consistent, and this is exactly the meaning of this verse. Believe that God’s message is true (faith). Know that God’s promises will be fulfilled (hope). Behave with confidence that there is something within your power you can do right now to make a difference (love). This is precisely why love is the greatest! Love is what activates you to do the things you need to do for God even when life is hard and vexing. So as you prepare to tackle this Lord’s day, take a few moments to reflect in faith on what it is you believe, take hold of the hope you need to keep living for the Lord, and love like life depends on it.

March 27 (JPG)
Photo Credit: YouVersion Bible App