Don’t Worry // Matthew 6:34

Are you a worrier? I tend to be. I know worry doesn’t do any good, but I still do. Worry requires energy and focus that leaves you feeling exhausted. This is why Jesus said what He did about worry. All worry does is rob you of precious energy today for things that may or may not happen tomorrow. Jesus’ wisdom about how tomorrow will worry about itself is profound. It is as though He conceded that we all worry. If we allow our energy to be robbed from today, then tomorrow’s worries will hit us all the harder. This establishes an endless cycle of life-stealing worry where, if we aren’t careful, we will burn out. NO ONE WANTS THAT!

I want to leave you with a promise of Jesus to process today when you feel prone to worry. Remember that Jesus said He came to give life and life in abundance (John 10:10). One key to discovering that abundant life is to acknowledge that worrying steals where God wants to give. May that be a promise we embrace and engage whatever comes our way today.

Photo Credit: YouVersion Bible App