Correct and Direct // Proverbs 10:17

Today’s verse drives me a great deal. I strive to be a disciplined person because I know how susceptible I am to problems that come from a lack of discipline. Take for example a recent weekend when I was in a true celebration mode. I ate and ate and ate until I was feeling so miserable I couldn’t take in anything else. One of the things I’ve noticed is it’s easier to be disciplined around others who are also working to exercise discipline. I also know that people look to me to see how I am managing myself for parameters or permission to let loose. And therein lies the rub, huh? I’m not talking peer pressure as much as how we work to justify our decisions to ourselves. We need the correction of conscience fueled by the Holy Spirit to keep us directed toward God’s way. Prayer helps. So does internalizing Scripture in verses like today’s that can help us see where we need to go and how we might be led astray. So, utilize some of God’s tools readily available to correct your inclinations and direct you toward Spirit’s goal.