Commit to Kindness with Humility // Micah 6:8
Today’s verse gives us a great 3-pronged approach to living for God: commit to doing what’s right, love being kind, and live humbly. How does that strike you? Sometimes it’s hard to do the right thing, isn’t it? Especially when there are consequences for stepping out of line with our cultural norms. Some have made kindness an idol, even to the point where they believe sharing biblical truth is unkind. When we think about how hell is hot and eternity is a long time, could there be anything kinder than sharing the truth? Goodness, we must be humble in doing so. Beating people over the head with religion won’t save them; no, but a saving relationship with Jesus can! So, we must be humble enough to get out of the way so we can point people to Jesus, share the Lord’s kindness with them as an example of gracious mercy, and continuously commit to doing what’s right, even (if not especially!) when it’s hard.