Bear and Forgive // Colossians 3:13

Today’s verse gives us a glimpse into how the Bible reveals the grittiness of real life. The first part encourages us to bear with each other. Wow, that hits, doesn’t it? There are so many people we must bear with because they can be like sandpaper…what we see, though, is sandpaper people are often used by God to reveal our own rough edges so we can be smoothed and prepped for the Kingdom. Forgiveness is the next major step as we remember how even Jesus said we must forgive as we have been forgiven (Matthew 6:14). So, is there anyone you are having a decidedly difficult time bearing right now? If so, consider what it might reveal about what others have to bear in relationship with you. Then, let us all turn our attention to God who forgives us all and asks us to do the same.