Clean Sweep // Isaiah 1:16

Did you know that today is National Clean Your Floors Day? This is a day when we are called to ensure our floors are clean of dust and debris. We typically vacuum the floors in our home daily, which is necessary because of our menagerie. Every couple of weeks we do a deep clean where we mop and disinfect the floors, also necessary because of our menagerie. The Bible points us to the necessity of both kinds of cleaning. We need to do the daily work of taking care of those big things in our life that pile up and leave a messy clutter. We also need regular times of deep cleaning and disinfecting where we work on the stuff we don’t always see, including the microscopic things that can cause us to get sick. As we see in our verse for today, God wants us to clean up our lives, sweeping them of the big and little things alike that hamper our relationship with Him. So, what kind of cleaning work do you need to do today? Do you need some daily maintenance or a deep cleaning? Whatever it is you find you need, know you have the Lord’s help. I really like how The Message paraphrases John the Baptist’s proclamation about the coming Christ and the work he was sent to accomplish, “He’s going to clean house—make a clean sweep of your lives. He’ll place everything true in its proper place before God; everything false he’ll put out with the trash to be burned” (Matthew 3:12). That’s really good news, isn’t it? God doesn’t expect us to just go off on our own and come back when we get our lives all cleaned up; no, He promises that if we go to Him, Jesus will help us clean up our lives together. Many hands make light work, as the old saying goes. So, let’s invite the Good Lord into our lives on this National Clean Your Floors Day so He can help us with the junk we can see and the junk we can’t see. He’s game to help us with all of it in His mission to bring us that radical life change!