Christ our Conductor // Psalm 133:1

“It is truly wonderful when the people of God live together in peace.” (Psalm 133:1, CEV)

The quote in the infographic below put a song in my heart. Mendelssohn certainly knew about the beautiful unity in diversity as a composer. He knew how grand it was when each individual musician played their instruments at the right time, in the right key, and with the right dynamics. Music — melodies, harmonies, dissonance, resolution. a great metaphor for life and the Christian life in particular.

King David knew something about music, worship, and a life with God, too. He wrote for today’s verse about how wonderful it is when God’s people live together in peace. We are all like musicians in a symphony. We have our individual roles to play in God’s grand opus. We are not created to all be just alike, but to find out common cause in Christ. We must stay in tune with God and each other as our holy conductor brings out each of our unique best into a unified masterpiece.

“The Wedding March” is likely Mendelssohn’s most recognizable composition. I think marriage is a beautiful example of the kind of unity we see alluded to in music and Scripture. We’re talking two completely different people entering into a covenantal relationship to life a unified life. You aren’t supposed to lose yourself, but become more of what you were always intended to be. So bring what makes you uniquely you into God’s epic holy design. Get warmed up, tuned up, and geared up, ready to follow Christ the Conductor. This spiritual symphony will not be the same without you.