Cheerful Givers // 2 Corinthians 9:7

How do you approach giving? Do you give with an open heart to go along with an open hand? Or do you clinch your teeth along with your fist? Giving seems contradictory to many. Why should we give away the resources we work so hard for? Because God is a giver and wants us to be more like Jesus. God set up the benefits of giving in natural law, so the more you give, the more you receive. It might not be exactly the same, but what comes around is generally greater than what we give. Think about planting a tomato seed. It looks nothing like a tomato, but the process of giving the seed to the ground and tending to it brings something altogether different, doesn’t it? The ripened tomato looks nothing like the seed, but that isn’t even the best part! A tomato plant doesn’t just produce one tomato, but many! Then, when others come with what they have to give — say some wonder bread, Duke’s mayonnaise, salt, and pepper — you have an amazing combination that is altogether different from any of the items originally started with. So, give what you have. Combine them with what others can give. Then, watch God work miracles as He combines them all.

August 15 - Square