Cast Off to Stay on Course // Hebrews 12:1

Today’s verse keeps some of the recent Olympics theme aflame as it talks about running our life race with perseverance without things that can weigh us down. I remember one time early in my physical fitness journey when I set out for a run wearing a long-sleeved tee shirt and a hoodie. That outfit made sense since it was cold, but I found out pretty quickly how heavy they would get once I got sweaty. I started out well enough but quickly wore down because I was wearing clothes that hindered my progress. Maybe it isn’t an outfit that is entangling you, but a relationship, an addiction, or some burden that seeks to pull you off God’s course. You need to cast off all that extra baggage if you are going to run with perseverance and purpose. Take note how our verse states that we are running the race marked out for us. That can take some pressure off as you run the race God set out for you. Don’t complicate things by carrying stuff with you that will slow you down at best, and cause you to quit at worst.