Breath Prayer – Needs // Philippians 4:19

Today’s breath prayer is a relatively new one for me. I found myself facing a stressful time, and I kept praying, “Lord, I need you.” That breath prayer developed like this…

Dear Lord, I need you. I have you. I thank you. I love you.

I always come back to the reality that God has me as much as I have God, but I feel this is consistent with the verse for the day from Philippians 4:19 where we read that God promises to meet all of our needs according to the riches of His glory. If you happen to recall some earlier writings, glory is a word that helps point to God’s presence. God’s glorious presence meets us in our needs, holds us, and transforms us. What a reason to give thanks, huh?!? And all this comes from God’s unending love.

Maybe this breath prayer will prove helpful for you when you feel you need God. You have Him if you accepted Jesus as Lord and Savior of your life. Give Him thanks and bask in His love.

Keep breathing!