Ask Boldly // James 1:5
Who do you know that is wise? What makes a person wise? Regardless how much wisdom we think we have, we never have enough. I like to think of wisdom as the proper application of knowledge from an eternal perspective. Today’s verse encourages us to ask God for wisdom because the Lord wants to give it to us. There is another part of this verse that we must hold on to tightly — God gives wisdom generously without finding fault with the person who asks. I hope that gives you some hopeful encouragement. The big idea here is that God loves it when we realize we need help learning His lessons and applying them appropriately. He doesn’t find fault in our confession that we don’t know it all and could never begin to apply the lessons we have yet to learn. If you have felt tentative about confessing you don’t know what you don’t know, find some joy in recognizing that God adores that authenticity! He wants to share with you the things of His heart and help you apply them in ways that lead others to a saving relationship with Him through Jesus. So, since we all lack wisdom in one area or another, may we boldly go to God and ask.