Are you ready for an ADVENTure? // Isaiah 40:3
Today is the first Sunday of Advent. This is a time of preparation for the glory of Christmas consisting of the four preceding Sundays. Our verse for the day comes from Isaiah and was echoed by John the Baptist in preparation for Jesus’ arrival on the scene. Though the world is gearing up for Christmas with trees, elves, snowmen, and reindeer, the church is encouraged to start with John the Baptist. He might not be as whimsical and nostalgic as claymation characters, but he is critically important as we are called to remember that God came and will come again. As a result, we are called to make straight our paths as we journey with Jesus into radical life change to ready ourselves for His return. I hope you will read today’s verse as more of an invitation than injunction. Jesus will come back and He wants us all to be ready. May we order our lives accordingly this Advent and beyond.