An Uncommon Calm // Philippians 4:7
Aaaah, I love today’s verse! I love how the Apostle Paul wrote about the peace that transcends understanding. Have you ever been in a situation where you had an uncommon calm? A serenity that defied logic and reason? That is a gift from God. Maybe it’s better said as a gift of God. You see, Jesus is known as the Prince of Peace. So, when you find that uncommon calm, it is Jesus’ power within you! All too often we want God to remove us from conflict, but the Lord far prefers to settle us amidst the conflict. Why do you think that is? I think it is to focus our faith on Jesus so we can be deployed by God and led by the Spirit into places we otherwise would not go. One example of this in the Gospels was when Jesus invited Peter out to walk on the water in the middle of a storm squall. Jesus did not calm the storm before Peter stepped out of the boat. Peter didn’t start to sink until he shifted his focus from Jesus to the wind and waves. That encounter — coupled with how Jesus restored Peter after his betrayal — gave Peter all the conviction he needed to stand strong in far stormier conditions. This, my friends, is what Jesus wants to do for us. He wants to fill us with the reign of His peace to stabilize our heart and steady our mind so we can represent Him wherever we go. That uncommon calm isn’t just a gift from God, it is the gift of God!