All Because, and For, JESUS! // Titus 3:4-5
Yesterday we explored how we can approach the throne of God because of grace and mercy. As a quick reminder, grace is the love of God we can never earn whereas mercy is the love of God that saves us from the punishments we deserve. As we look today at the idea of mercy, we see in Titus 3:4-5 the mechanism by which we receive this salvation. Friend, it isn’t based on who you are or what you’ve done; no, it’s based on who God is and what He did for us all those years ago on the cross in Christ Jesus. Jesus is the One who went to the cross to pay the penalty for sin that you and I deserve. Jesus declared the penalty of sin paid, and the wrath of God fulfilled, when He cried out, “It is finished!” (John 19:30) So, the work is done, penalty paid, and new life granted. This is what we receive in the Holy Spirit who comes to live and reign within us, making us the new creation God always desired (2 Corinthians 5:17). Trust God with your life; after all, He made you, saved you, redeemed you, and restored you to live with and for Him into eternity!