Abounding Abundantly // 2 Corinthians 9:8

Do you ever worry you won’t have enough? Today’s verse comes from a section the Apostle Paul wrote about generosity; specifically how God loves cheerful givers. One of the things we face in life is fear of running out of necessities. This scarcity mindset can cause us to miss out on the blessings God has in store. We see from Jesus in John 10:10 that He came to give life in abundance. Then, these words from Paul tells us that God is able to bless in abundance. The key to consider here is how God gives us the abundant gift of Himself! But this isn’t just for our benefit; no, it is to help bless others for God, too! So, how can you channel divine generosity today? What can you do to receive God’s abundance so you can abound in sharing it with others?