A Refreshing Turn // Acts 3:19
Do you have something in your life you need to turn away from? Today’s verse comes from a sermon the Apostle Peter gave. The context was a message regarding acknowledging how some people misunderstood Jesus, or missed Him altogether. Peter went on to teach about turning to Jesus for the forgiveness of those messes, misses, and mistakes to find the spiritual refreshment the Holy Spirit wants to bring to those who believe in Jesus as God’s one and only Son. That verb, “to turn,” to God means, “repent.” Repentance begins with the knowledge that you are not going God’s way. Next, it requires a turn, whether that’s a physical, spiritual, emotional turn, all three, or a combination. One of the problems we can face with such a turn is we fear we’ll miss what it is from which we must repent. Maybe it’s a beverage, pill, food, location, or person; whatever it is, the beauty of Peter’s message is that God brings a refreshment to our lives that we would miss without that turn. So friend, if you have something you need to turn away from today, don’t delay. Take that step and make that start that will bring a refreshing of life you never knew possible!