A Pattern for Prayer // Matthew 6:9-13
Today’s passage shows us Jesus’ model for prayer that we now know as The Lord’s Prayer. Jesus intended this to be more of a pattern for prayer than just something to memorize (not that there’s anything wrong with that). What we see is a three-prong approach to prayer that can help us organize our thoughts.
- Call upon the Lord using a name that helps you connect with God’s presence and power;
- Seek God’s Kingdom, including all things seen and unseen;
- Ask for help to live in God’s will in every way and every day.
I hope this gives you a pattern for going to God in prayer. Recognize His presence and power; seek God’s Kingdom in things seen and unseen; and ask for God’s help to live for Him. As we saw yesterday, do this and you will truly live and live abundantly (Deuteronomy 30:19-20b and John 10:10)!