A Mind Change // Romans 12:2
Romans 8:7 has been on my mind a lot lately. That’s the verse that states our minds are at war with God and cannot submit to God’s law. God’s law is to love God and others like we love self. We do alright with the last part, but our bent towards selfishness can make it hard to love God and others. This is one of the primary reasons we see in today’s verse that transformation comes when we renew the mind. This verse warns us against conforming to culture by choosing to go God’s way even when it’s hard. That’s how we are able to know what God’s good, pleasing, and perfect will is so we can go God’s way. So, if you find yourself at war with God’s will and way, get into God’s Word. Know and go in what God wants from us, which is to continuously show the world that God is real, God loves us, and God has a purpose for our lives. If you need to change your mind to get into God’s will, look at it more like a renewal. That, my friends, is where transformation begins.