A Confident Hope // Psalm 42:11
How does today’s verse strike you? This is one that I have read before in some of my darker times; especially when I realized I couldn’t reason myself out of it. Two words jump out at me, the first being discouraged. Discouragement comes from a lack of confidence. This hits us when we try our best but do not see the results we expected. The other word is, hope. Hope isn’t just an optimistic outlook, but a conviction that God’s way wins in the end. When you put these two together, we are called to put our confidence in God knowing that He is working together all things for good for those who love Him. Our confident hope that God is who He says He is — and will do what He promised to do — is precisely how we can praise God in all things again and again. If you try to have a confident hope in something or someone other than the Lord, you open yourself to discouragement. So, as we kick off today, be confident in your hope because of our holy God!