A Bridge // Deuteronomy 12:10

The picture below is one taken of my brother-in-law and me during our trip to Wyoming last summer. We were visiting the Natural Bridge and stood amazed at the beauty. I don’t remember what the two of us were discussing, but I know we were — and are still — two dads learning to live without their kids.

I have been using the metaphor of the bridge quite a bit in my preaching and teaching. From grief to personal doubt, our hard circumstances can either be barriers or bridges to the future. It reminds me of a quote I read: “Smile at the obstacle, for it is a bridge.”

Today’s Bible verse comes from Deuteronomy as the Israelites were preparing to cross into the Holy Land. God told them that as soon as they crossed from their old reality into their new, He would give them rest. The key, though, is to remember that it is God who enabled them to inherit the Promised Land. The passage from one reality to the next was full of obstacles, but they were designed to help prepare for their future challenges.

We often act as though life is static, but it isn’t. We stand where we are today as a result of what we have conquered or endured. The same is true for where we are going. Every little experience is used to help smooth our rough edges or polish us to better reveal God’s glory. This can help give some perspective as we face all the things life throws our way.

So whatever it is you find coming at you today, know that God wants to help you grow more like Jesus as a result. He wants to give you rest and recovery, as well as grace and glory. The minute you realize the things you go through have a purpose can be the minute you realize you never go through them alone. Or in vain. So, take that bridge and enter into the reality of God’s goodness. Let it challenge and comfort you as you do.

The Natural Bridge in Converse, WY