3 P’s // 2 Peter 1:3
What will you celebrate as you read today’s verse? When Peter wrote it, he mentioned how God gave us the promise of salvation and then the invitation to participate in Jesus’ rescue mission for humanity. All of this is for the purpose of making God known. When I think of this, I am struck by the home where I live, the church where I serve, and the people in both God gave me to do life with. We are all created by an amazing God, saved by the blood of Jesus, and woven together by the Holy Spirit. There is so much there…things known and unknown, seen and unseen…where God is not only at work, but also revealing things that will keep enriching our lives and helping us fan into an inferno the flames of His awesome gifts. So, what are you celebrating to those ends? How will you help other see that they, too, have been given everything needed for a holy life? After all, we’ve been given God’s promise and invited to participate in His life all for the purpose of making Him known.