God’s Inspired Glow // 1 Peter 4:8
1 Peter 4:8 (NIV) | Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins.
Yesterday we looked at how God’s Kingdom is eternal while our experience in this world is temporary. So what are we to do armed with such knowledge? Shall we sequester ourselves and shy away from the current struggles? Nope, not at all; in fact, as today’s verse implies, we should become even more active! Loving above all means that love shines through as our motivating factor for everything we say and do. Loving above all means we are willing to stoop down where people are at their lowest to help them see the Light of the World. That Jesus lights gets reflected and radiates into places you couldn’t imagine and in ways you cannot conceive. Make it real. Make it tangible. Then marvel at the glow of what God inspires.