Luke Chapter 9: Advent

Luke 9 brings us to the turning point in his Gospel. We see the disciples provided with the opportunity to put into practice what they’ve observed and learned; a miracle of multiplication that means a whole lot more than just bread and fish; and an exorcism that seems to change Jesus’ tone and approach. The framework had been laid, and we see Jesus literally turn His face toward what ultimately awaited Him in Jerusalem. Jesus returns to showing how the world is flipped upside-down from the reality of God’s Kingdom, and a new sense of greatness is revealed.

As you read, pay attention to God’s reinverted sense of greatness, power, and significance. The cost Jesus divulged seems like it would almost not be worth it. Almost. So may we experience this turning point with the faith of a child knowing who truly loves us and is guiding us to a glory that far surpasses anything this perverse world can offer.

You can read today’s chapter by clicking here.

Reflection Questions:

  1. What was the main message Jesus encouraged His disciples to convey while on their own missionary journeys?
  2. Jesus has raised several people from the dead by this point in His ministry. Why do you think He did not perform that miracle for John the Baptist?
  3. Luke tells us that months pass between events in this passage; those months cover the time the disciples spent practicing what they had learned from Jesus. We then see that Jesus wanted to hear what they experienced but was interrupted by people looking for Him. How did Jesus respond? What does that show us about the heart of God?
  4. What is the main take-away of Jesus feeding the multitudes?
  5. Next Jesus predicts His death. How do you think the disciples took this news?
  6. We see in this encounter that Jesus fully reveals who He is and His mission. This had to be hard for the disciples to hear. Did they fully grasp what Jesus was saying? Did they fully grasp the implications for their own lives?
  7. What is the significance of the Transfiguration? Much of it has to do with the figures Christ interacted with on the mountain. What do you think?
  8. Jesus welcomed and embraced little children who were expected to be seen and not heard at best. What does this reveal about the heart of God? Why did Jesus say what He did about the ones for whom the Kingdom of God is intended?
  9. Verse 52 is the official turning point of Luke’s Gospel. What happened and why is it important?
  10. Verses 57-62 indicate the cost of following Jesus. Much of what we have experienced to this point in Luke’s Gospel is about what God does for us. This section indicates that following Him can be challenging if not downright dangerous. Does this change your desire to follow Jesus? Does the stark language seem out of character for Christ? Why or why not?

Prayer: Dear Heavenly Father, I come to you humbled by how you accept and receive people from all walks of life. Forgive me when I allow my own preconceived notions and fears from fully committing to follow you. Yes, I can misunderstand what it means to be a disciple, but that just goes to show how much more I have to learn. Now that we have reached the turning point in Luke’s Gospel, help me to open my life to your teachings about a life lived in love, mercy, and grace. I want to be like you and give my life to you. I ask this in your helping name. Amen.