Luke Chapter 4: Advent
Luke 4 begins with Jesus going into the wilderness to be tempted by Satan. The devil essentially tempted Jesus with power, popularity, and prestige. You will note that Satan actually used Scripture in his temptation of the Lord. Please take special note of that. Once Jesus emerged from that time in the desert, He went back to his hometown of Nazareth to begin His public ministry. He was initially met with cheers, but those quickly turned to jeers. After that, Jesus kicked off His public ministry in earnest.
As you read, pay special attention to the progression of events that Luke shared. He includes some really unique details as he also gives us a glimpse into the urgency Christ felt for His mission.
You can read today’s chapter by clicking here.
Reflection Questions:
- Why did this period of temptation follow what must have been a spiritually high moment for Jesus? How do you think Satan intended to leverage Jesus’ experience from His baptism to try and weaken Him?
- How does it strike you that Satan used Scripture to tempt Jesus? What kind of hope do you find in the way Jesus responded?
- When do you find yourself especially vulnerable to temptation? What does Satan use to try and weaken you?
- Luke weaves some powerful statements together spanning prophecy to Jesus’ present. Refer to Luke 3:22, 4:1, 4:14, and 4:18. What do you see? What are the connections you can draw for Jesus’ power? What does this mean for you?
- Look at verse 22. What do you think the people saw in Jesus – who would have been very familiar to them – that made Him seem so different?
- What do you think the rejection Jesus faced in His own hometown meant to Him as He began His public ministry?
- Review verses 31-37 in light of verses 18-19 from earlier in the chapter. What similarities do you see? Differences? What strikes you the most about the evil spirit?
- What changes do you perceive in Jesus since His baptism and then temptation?
- Why do you think Jesus needed to retreat? First for prayer and then for preaching?
- Do you take enough time to get away and alone with God? If not why? What would you need to change to do so?
Prayer: Almighty God, there is so much to read and learn in today’s passage. I think back to the times I have been tempted, felt rejected, but also (re)dedicated to following through with what I know is right. Forgive me for the times I have succumbed to temptation and those other times I never even tried to fight it. Help me by the power of your Spirit to stand with you and for you regardless of what comes my way. I ask this in Jesus’ holy name. Amen.