Luke Chapter 17: Advent

Luke 17 begins with a lesson on accountability, forgiveness, and reconciliation. Jesus wants His followers to be aware of the traps sin cause in our lives, but He also wants us to be merciful and seek ways to restore broken relationships. This is true interpersonally, as well as in our relationship with God. Next, we get a little detail reminding us that Jesus is on His way to Jerusalem, which is the central location of the Jewish religion. An extraordinary miracle happens next – it isn’t so much about what was done, but to whom it was done. Jesus healed a Samaritan amongst a group of others who were afflicted with a skin disease called, leprosy. The healing of a Samaritan was a big deal, since Samaritans were hated by faithful Jews because they did not maintain the desired purity of their cultural faith. Chapter 17 concludes with Jesus speaking about the Second Coming of the Messiah. He makes connections between their history and what was anticipated for the future. Embedded in those statements were cautionary tales about past calamities that will repeat without the repentance and forgiveness Jesus referenced in the beginning of the chapter.

As you read today, pay attention to how Jesus speaks about duty to the faith, those who He came to serve and save, as well as how past is prologue. Luke continues to remind us that Jesus is on His way to Jerusalem, so everything recorded here is not only to foreshadow what is to come, but also why it is to happen. May we all answer the invitation to faith and ask Jesus to increase our faith as well.

You can read today’s chapter by clicking here.

Reflection Questions:

  1. What are the inevitable stumbling blocks in your life? What is the greatest caution Jesus is giving here?
  2. How might the disciples’ plea for Jesus to increase their faith be relevant to His teaching on repentance and forgiveness?
  3. What attitude should the Jesus follower have in consideration of verses 7-10?
  4. People afflicted with leprosy in the time of Jesus were “unclean,” and they had to essentially function in society as the walking dead. What do you think about 9 of the 10 lepers not going back to thank Jesus for healing them? What do you make of the one Samaritan who did?
  5. What is the significance of Jesus telling the Samaritan that it was his faith that made him well? How do you think the Samaritan heard this considering his peoples’ relationship to Judaism?
  6. Reflect on how Jesus discussed the coming of the Kingdom of God in verses 20-21. What statement is Jesus making here? Did the Pharisees fully grasp what Jesus meant?
  7. Jesus points to the end of times, but states that the Son of Man’s rejection must come first. He then lists several events from the Old Testament. Why? What point is He making?
  8. Verse 37 would have been a familiar proverb to Jesus’ listeners. What did He mean by this? What does this foreshadow?

Prayer:  Gracious God, I know I have a sin problem. Thank you for completing the victory over sin and death. Still, I do not want to be a cause for someone else to fall into sin; especially those who do not know you. Help me to get and stay connected to you. I thank you for coming to us and wait with great expectation for your return. Help me to stay faithful in the meantime, working to let people of all the earth know of your love and mercy. I ask this in the helping name of Jesus. Amen.