Luke 22: Advent

Luke 22 takes us from the final plot to kill Jesus to His arrest and trials. In between we read of Jesus sharing the Passover meal with His disciples and transforming that event into what we know as Holy Communion. Betrayals and denials become centerpieces of today’s chapter, but Jesus’ conduct rises above it all.

Pay attention as you read to how Jesus conducted Himself knowing what was to come. His suffering already began, but He never lost sight of His mission. We do see evidence of His humanity as He asks for the cup to pass Him, but He persevered.

You can read today’s chapter by clicking here

Reflection Questions:

1. Luke 22 begins with a reference to the Passover (see Exodus 12 in the Old Testament). What is the significance here for Jesus both in meaning as well as His own participation with the disciples?

2. What caused Judas to agree to betray Jesus?

3. The institution of the Lord’s Supper (we also know it as Holy Communion) connects the loaf of bread and cup of wine historically with the Passover, but now in a new and transformative way. How? Judaism tells the story of God leading His people out of slavery in Egypt to the Promised Land. What is Jesus saying now about the Passover? Why does He ask to be remembered for what He is to endure?

4. The disciples immediately go to thinking about themselves and jockeying for positions of honor in God’s Kingdom. What does Jesus say makes someone great? How do you think the disciples heard and understood this?

5. When Jesus predicted Peter’s denial, how did Peter react?

6. Jesus reminds them of their missionary journeys. What was His point then? What is He asking for them to do next?

7. Jesus’ suffering began on the Mount of Olives. Why do you think this is significant? Luke referenced this location several times already. Why would Jesus go there if it was known to those trying to capture and kill Him?

8. The ending of the temptation narrative tells us that Satan left Jesus for a more opportune time. Was this it? How did Jesus manage His temptation in prayer? Where did He place and keep His focus?

9. What do you make of Jesus healing the servant to the temple guard? How do you think this struck Peter who was trying to fulfill His pledge to fight for Jesus?

10. We read about Peter’s denials of Jesus. This comes right after Luke tells us Jesus healed the man Peter injured. What might you gather from this course of events?

11. The trials of Jesus begin, mockeries that they are. What is Jesus’ posture? How does He answer the accusations levied by His accusers?

Prayer: Dear Lord, I feel the anxiety rising in my spirit knowing what I will read tomorrow. Help me focus on today with the same focus Jesus had as His suffering began. Forgive me the times I have denied and betrayed you, but also help me remember that those who stayed so close to you all those years ago did, too. Help me to have a Peter faith in the end as I contemplate how things could have gone differently if Judas repented. Your message has been of repentance, forgiveness, and reconciliation. May I live into the opportunities before me to do the same during this holy season. I ask in the precious name of Jesus. Amen.