Luke 21: Advent

Chapter 21 has a lot to do with focus. We see Jesus speak about generosity, persecution for faith, and prophecies for coming calamities. Through it all Jesus taught about staying focused and not being distracted by fear or the trappings (good or bad) of life. Ultimately, Luke wants us to see that our lives need to be tuned to Christ everywhere and at all hours of the day.

As you read, acknowledge that Jesus is saying some difficult things about the times that are to come. He is encouraging faith over fear, and a trust in God that the glory of Heaven is far greater than any of the concerns of the world.

You can read todays chapter by clicking here

Reflection Questions:

1. What was the point of Jesus’ statement about the widow’s offering?

2. Jesus shared prophecies about what the end times will be like. He also instructed His followers not to be deceived or frightened with troubles in the world. Why? How is this relevant today?

3. Jesus’ words about the future troubles for His followers might have turned off some looking for easy street. How do you read verses 12-19? What is the promise that comes as a result?

4. Jesus’ pronouncements about what will happen to Jerusalem are startling. What kind of leader were the people expecting in their Messiah? Jesus knew His words would be met with disapproval and disappointment. What do you make of His tactic?

5. We tend to get down when things don’t go our way. How does verse 28 speak to our human nature and encourage us when we face difficulties?

6. What is Jesus’ point in the parable of the fig tree? What signs is He urging His followers to look for?

7. Review verses 34-37. What is Jesus’ primary point?

8. Luke gives us the details that Jesus continued to teach in the Temple. Why is this significant? What does it reveal about Jesus’ attitude and courage?

Prayer: Dear Lord, I confess I so easily get caught up in the distractions, trappings, and anxiety of life. I lose my focus from you when I do. I ask for your merciful forgiveness. Help me keep my life tuned to you at all hours of the day so I may hear and take heed of your wisdom. I ask this in the saving name of Jesus. Amen.