Luke Chapter 2: Advent

You can read today’s chapter by clicking here.

Luke 2 gives us the most familiar version of the Christmas story. We read about Mary and Joseph traveling to Bethlehem, the birth announcement to the shepherds, and a callback to Luke 1 in terms of God keeping His promises. Luke 2 then fast forwards to Jesus’ presentation in the temple as a baby, before jumping some 12 years to give us the only biblical account of His childhood.

As you read, pay special attention to the development of the themes introduced in chapter 1. Then, think through how it must have been for Jesus and His family to navigate life with the glimpses of who He was and why He was in their lives.

Reflection Questions:

  1. What impresses you about Mary and Joseph in the Christmas story?
  2. Why do you think the Savior of the world was born in such obscure circumstances and in such a humble manner?
  3. Why do you think God chose shepherds to announce the birth of Jesus?
  4. Why was Jesus’ presentation in the temple so meaningful for Simeon and Anna?
  5. What do you think of Simeon’s words to Mary? How do you think this lines up with other conversations Mary had leading up to this point?
  6. Look at the account of Jesus when he was 12 and consider how that happened. Refer to verse 49; how did this affect Mary and Joseph?
  7. Now look at verse 51. Why do you think Luke gave us the detail about Jesus’ behavior toward His parents? Also from verse 51, what do you see about Mary? Why is this important?
  8. What does verse 52 tell us about Jesus? Do you recall the conclusion of chapter 1? What are we to glean from what Luke recorded?

Prayer: Dear Lord, thank you for the magnificence of the Christmas story. Forgive me for the times I skim through these verses because they seem so familiar. Help me to see and appreciate details I might over overlooked previously. Teach me your ways today by how you came to us all those years ago. I ask all this in Jesus’ name. Amen.