Upside Down 4 // Crave Righteousness

What do you crave?

Last Week

  • Blessed are the meek: meekness is not weakness
  • Jesus > Self: live like Jesus in the world

This Week’s Beatitude

  • (ESV) | “Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be satisfied.”
  • (MSG) | “You’re blessed when you’ve worked up a good appetite for God. He’s food and drink in the best meal you’ll ever eat.”

3 Thoughts on Hunger

  • Meal planning very different
  • Constant, deep gut growling
  • Longing for single nibble/sip

Longing for God?

  • Physiological Response
  • Come Hungry
  • A Revealing Taste

When it comes to God, a tiny taste will not do…you crave it all!

Jesus Said…

  • I AM the Bread of Life [John 6:48]
  • I AM Living Water [John 7:37]

Jesus is the fulfillment and totality of righteousness…Crave Him!

Reflection Questions

  1. What foods do you crave? What strikes you about food cravings that Pastor Mark shared in his message?
  2. How do you think Jesus’ audience in His sermon heard the teaching about hunger and thirst?
  3. What is unique about how Jesus described the cravings for food/drink and the cravings for righteousness? What does this mean for finding satisfaction physically and spiritually?
  4. What is the implication for craving God?
  5. Since Jesus is the physical manifestation of God, how have you found Him able to satisfy the longing of your soul?