Upside Down 4 // Crave Righteousness
What do you crave?
Last Week
- Blessed are the meek: meekness is not weakness
- Jesus > Self: live like Jesus in the world
This Week’s Beatitude
- (ESV) | “Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be satisfied.”
- (MSG) | “You’re blessed when you’ve worked up a good appetite for God. He’s food and drink in the best meal you’ll ever eat.”
3 Thoughts on Hunger
- Meal planning very different
- Constant, deep gut growling
- Longing for single nibble/sip
Longing for God?
- Physiological Response
- Come Hungry
- A Revealing Taste
When it comes to God, a tiny taste will not do…you crave it all!
Jesus Said…
- I AM the Bread of Life [John 6:48]
- I AM Living Water [John 7:37]
Jesus is the fulfillment and totality of righteousness…Crave Him!
Reflection Questions
- What foods do you crave? What strikes you about food cravings that Pastor Mark shared in his message?
- How do you think Jesus’ audience in His sermon heard the teaching about hunger and thirst?
- What is unique about how Jesus described the cravings for food/drink and the cravings for righteousness? What does this mean for finding satisfaction physically and spiritually?
- What is the implication for craving God?
- Since Jesus is the physical manifestation of God, how have you found Him able to satisfy the longing of your soul?