National Sticky Bun Day // Psalm 34:8

It’s National Sticky Bun Day! How are you celebrating? Tiffany bought some cinnamon rolls to bake, so I popped them in the oven, frosted them when finished…and speaking of finishing, we ate them all! I don’t typically go to sweets for breakfast/brunch, but today is worthy of a change of pace. And you know what? I don’t regret it one bit or bite! Today’s verse came to mind as I finished frosting the sweet rolls and licked the spoon — “taste and see that the Lord is good.” Indeed! It goes on to say that we are blessed when we take our refuge in Him. So, however you might choose to celebrate National Sticky Bun Day, don’t just make it about the sweet, soft pastry; no, let it be a reminder to seek out God’s will and way for your life, because THAT’s where the blessing is. Believe, there’s nothing sweeter!